Command Line in Windows(console command)
Version 1.0
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The command line is a simple and powerful tool that can learn to use in minutes.
This guide is designed to teach you the basics and necessary in the context of an introductory course to programming.
Está in spirada en Windows Command Prompt in 15 Minutes.
What is the Command Line?
It is a program that allows you to communicate with your operating system using a textual interface, which uses a high-level language, close to natural language.
Today most users interact with Windows using a graphical interface . However, professionally and for certain tasks, a textual interface It is much more efficient, hence the importance of learning to use the command line.
Other names by which it is known to the Command Line are: prompt, the shell O command line.
How do I start the command line?
To start the Windows command line you run the program cmd.
A quick way to do this is from the menu Iniciar, fill in the text field "Search programs and files" with the program name of the command line: cmdand press the "Enter" key.
: With a look similar to this window command line appears
The command line is ready to work and carry out any order you give him. These "orders" are called commands.
How do I run a command?
To execute a command simply type its name and press the "Enter" key.
For example, the command to close the command line is called EXIT. Try closing the command line using this simple command.
Some commands support arguments Text strings that modify or specialize the standard operation of the command. For example the command ECHO prints the arguments on screen passes to him:
Hello World!
To separate and distinguish the commands of their arguments one is used spaces.
At programming level, the command line is a very simple program, consists of a simple infinite loop:
Waits for the user to type something and press "Enter"(console command update)
Interpret what is written as a command and executes it
It shows the "result" on screen
Repeat from 1.
Working directory
The working directory is a fundamental concept in the command line and represents the "place" where file system will be working.
When we create or we access files from the command line, these will be created by default in our working directory.
The command line reminds us what our working directory at all times showing your route on screen whenever you introduce waits for a new command. In the above examples, the working directory was C:\Users\Alberto.
The command CD Serves to change the working directory. Windows maintains a directory different for each unit can move from work and drive by typing its name as if it were a command.
In the following example we will copy a file from the directory java "practice" our "Desktop" to a USB drive mounted on the skewer E:. We will use the commands:next blog